Nov 20, 2020

The Reality of the Situation

“It means that a studio can be readily converted from a product launch to a dealer webinar to a news broadcast with just a press of a button.” CEO Michael Geissler talks to TVB Europe about our innovative StarTracker camera tracking technology.

Even before the changes in production that were needed to cope with the effects of Covid-19, the family of realities – augmented reality, virtual reality and mixed realities – were becoming more and more common on the broadcast landscape. Recent events have seen new opportunities for the technology. Philip Stevens takes a look at a few of the recent developments in the ‘realities’ field and gets immersed in a virtual environment in this article in the latest edition of TVB Europe.

The article takes an in-depth look at the type of equipment required by virtual production studio. It describes how Mo-Sys StarTracker revolutionised VR and AR production and describes in detail the components of the new StarTracker Studio, the first preassembled production package that brings virtual 4K Ultra HD production within the reach of just about any studio which was launched in July this year.

“It means that a studio can be readily converted from a product launch to a dealer webinar to a news broadcast with just a press of a button,” explains Michael Geissler, CEO of Mo-Sys.

“The system is for film as well as TV workflows allowing filming of commercials, instant social media responses. Like the original system, it tracks the position of each camera in three-dimensional space across all six axes of movement. But beyond that, StarTracker Studio bundles the tracking with cameras and mounts and a high performance virtual graphics system based on the latest version of the Unreal Engine and the Ultimatte keyer. The unique plug-in interfaces directly between the camera tracking and the Unreal Engine, for extreme precision with virtually no latency.”

Read the article in full in the TVB Europe November/December issue below:

TVB Europe Mo-Sys StarTracker StudioTVB EUROPE 78 NOVEMBER / DECEMBER 2020

Top Banner Image: The On-Set Facilities virtual production crew on a film
set in Cardiff, real-time compositing with Unreal Engine.

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