May 29, 2020

Extended Reality: Mo-Sys and Netick Group Evolution breaking down the fourth wall

Whether used in film, live broadcast, or corporate conferences, Mo-Sys’s technology helps production teams to create an immersive experience for the audience. In the latest edition of our on-going LiveLab series, we spoke to Netick Group Evolution and Disguise about how they’re using our StarTracker system as part of an engaging LED wall workflow. In case you missed it, here are the main takeaways. 

xR – The future of production?

Italian-based company, Netick Group Evolution, uses Mo-Sys’ StarTracker system as part of their xR (extended reality) stage, which can be used across film, broadcast, and in-person live events. 

Their LED wall workflow draws on three separate systems in order to produce an augmented set that’s as enveloping for the audience as it is usable for hosts, presenters, and actors. The three systems that overlap to provide this solution are camera tracking (by Mo-Sys), graphics engine (by Notch), and media server playback (by disguise). 

By seamlessly linking up these three components and pairing with a high-quality LED wall, Netick offers producers an incredibly versatile and reliable tool with which to create virtually-enhanced production. 

An alternative to green screen…

An xR set is a viable alternative to using a green screen for virtual production. In essence, such a set simply comprises three LED walls at right-angles, forming a corner space. This area then serves as the central position for the live presenters or actors, with the background being displayed on the LED screens behind and extended beyond using virtual production. 

In order to reliably track the absolute position of cameras in the space, the Mo-Sys StarTracker system is used. Retro-Reflective ‘stars’ are attached to the studio ceiling (or floor) and a sensor is attached to the top of the camera. Within a matter of minutes the cameras are calibrated to the LED walls and virtual environment, and shooting can commence. 

While StarTracker can work with both green screen and LED walls, the latter offers some interesting benefits: 

  • Actors and presenters can actually see and respond to virtual environment elements displayed on the LED screens.
  • The lights, shadows, and reflections rendered on the LED screens are real.
  • There’s no ‘green spill’ around actors or presenters
  • There’s no need for ‘comfort monitors’ in studios, reducing costs and increasing space.

The uses of xR sets 

Aside from representing a viable alternative to green screens in professional studios, xR sets may also prove particularly useful to a range of other sectors in the coming months. With social distancing rules likely to be maintained for the foreseeable future, they could be utilised in everything from live university lectures to corporate presentations and religious ceremonies. By allowing presenters to visualise and interact with a computer-generated environment, xR sets provide a convincing, engaging way of communicating with different types of audiences. 

To watch the webinar in full, please click here.

If you’re interested in the potential of xR sets for your production, please get in contact with one of our expert technicians. They’ll be able to advise on your specific needs and provide a bespoke solution that allows you to create engaging, computer-augmented broadcasts. 

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